Agribusiness and Food Export Law
Australia has always been a strong supplier of food and other agricultural products for the local and global market. There are many legal and regulatory issues that confront businesses producing agricultural products and it is a specialised area of the law. Kennedy Guy has significant experience and expertise in this area having been involved in this sector for many years and representing clients in the following industries:
- General farming
- Meat production including feedlots, abattoirs, boning rooms and specialised manufacturing of meat products
- Wine
- Aquaculture
- Dairy and dairy product manufacturing
- Food export to countries including America, China, Malaysia, Japan, Russia, Indonesia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and South Africa
- Poultry
- Orchard and market gardening
- Halal Certification of food products
Our services include providing legal advice on:
- Regulatory and licencing requirements
- Disputes with regulators including the department of Agriculture
- Appropriate legal structures for operating business of this nature
- Sales and acquisitions of rural land and agribusiness premises
- Joint ventures
- Town Planning
- FIRB requirements
- Distribution and Supply agreements
- IP including trademarks and design registration